Substance |
Bladder |
Bowel |
Effect |
Caffeine (Cola, Mountain Dew®, Chocolate, Coffee, Tea) |
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Bladder irritant (diuretic) may cause bladder contractions, urine flow. Bowel stimulant may increase bowel movements. |
Artificial sweeteners (NutraSweet®, Aspartame) |
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Bladder irritant may cause bladder contractions and urine flow. May increase production of “gas” in bowel and urgent bowel movements. |
Alcohol (Beer, Wine, Liquor) |
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Bladder irritant (diuretic) may cause bladder contractions and urine flow. Alcohol use in evening may increase chance of night time incontinence. |
Nicotine (Smoked, Chewed, “Patch”) |
X |
Bladder irritant may cause bladder contractions and urine flow. Smoker’s cough increases Stress Incontinence. |
Diuretics “water pills” (Lasix®, Maxide®, Hydrochlorothiazide) |
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More urine is produced leading to frequency and urgency. |
Sedatives or Muscle Relaxants (Valium®, Librium®, Ativan®) |
X |
More urine is produced leading to frequency and urgency. Sedation and drowsiness occur. May not be aware of the need to void. |
Narcotics (Percocet®, Demerol®, Morphine®, Oxycontin®) |
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Sedation and drowsiness occur. Bladder is relaxed and may retain urine leading to Overflow Incontinence. Lack of concern about the need to void. Issues starting and controlling urine flow. |
Antihistamines (Benadryl®) Anticholinergics (Pro-Banthine®) Antipsychotics/Anti-Depressants (Elavil®, Prolixin®, Haldol®, Prozac®, Wellbutrin®) Calcium Channel Blockers (Calan®, Procardia®, Cardiazem®) |
X |
Bladder is relaxed and may retain urine leading to Overflow Incontinence. Bladder may produce more urine. Issues starting and controlling urine flow. Urine may be leaked without control. |
Over The Counter Cold Remedies (Nyquil®, Sudafed®, Long Acting Nasal Sprays, Cold & Flu tablets) |
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Varied effects may include: urine retention, difficulty in controlling the flow of urine, Overflow Incontinence and leakage. |
Other Medications: Cardura®, Hytrin® |
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Bladder control is relaxed leading to Stress Incontinence leakage (incontinence while laughing, coughing, sneezing, or during physical exertion). |
NEVER stop taking prescribed medications without your Physician’s advice and direction.