Myth:  Incontinence is a disease
Truth:  Incontinence is not a disease.  It is a symptom of other issues.

Myth:  Incontinence is a “normal” part of aging.
Truth: Incontinence is not inevitable due to age.  However, it becomes more common as people age due to health conditions and medications which have incontinence as a side-effect.

Myth: If you drink too much fluid, you become incontinent.
Truth:  The opposite is true. Urine that is too concentrated from a lack of fluid intake may irritate the bladder causing incontinence. Be aware of the causes of excessive urine output, diseases such as uncontrolled Diabetes mellitus may cause excessive thirst and increased urine production.  Caffeine, alcohol and some artificial sweeteners act as bladder irritants. It may be what you drink rather than the amount.

Myth: People always know if someone is wearing an incontinence product.
Truth:  Properly chosen and worn incontinence products should not be detected by odor, sight or sound.  Appropriate products should be chosen based upon type, frequency, amount, size and lifestyle.  Use the Product Genie to choose your product.  Consult the height and weight chart

Myth:  An incontinent person will always be incontinent.
Truth: Incontinence may be temporary due to an infection or after surgery. In many situations, incontinence can be lessened with appropriate treatment, surgery, medications, elimination of substances which may contribute to incontinence, lifestyle changes and retraining.

Myth: An incontinent person cannot lead an active life.
Truth:  An incontinent person can live the time of their life with dignity, confidence and comfort if using an appropriate high performing incontinence product.  Although it is seldom discussed, many active people you know experience incontinence.

Information Resources:
American Diabetes Association: